Friday, August 10, 2012

Shenanigans with Jeeps!

Every once in a while when the racefriv crew isnt working on drift cars, street cars, or on the blog we like to take a little time off for shenanigans. It just so happens our favorite type of shenanigans is the off roading type. As some of you know I recently sold the suby and purchased myself the all around vehicle, it started with looking for a tow vehicle and ended with an Jeep Rubicon. Of course I wasn't going to purchase something like this and not break it in. So me and our racefriv friend Audet went for a little drive on top of a mountain! Check out the pics!

Here is a little closer look of the new ride, I got the unlimited version cause it has a higher towing capacity for the soon to be racefriv drift car and I got the Rubicon version because its bad ass and if you buy an vehicle to off road in, you might as well get the one that's going to make it home.

So here is the amazing Zeep you have seen before on this site, still running strong, still attracting all the ladys!

There was some pretty awesome wildlife on this mountain, its not everyday you get to drive on random mountains in Georgia.

how does a plant even grow into this?

The Zeep thought it was a mountain lion a couple of times but no worries Glenn was there to weight it down with his newly soiled pants he was wearing.

There was a pretty sweet little trail getting to the mountain, clearly we were not the first ones here as people had made some fires before.  

In between  driving over all the huge boulders for fun, we hit up a random trail, tried to move a fallen tree, and found a bridge literally out in the middle of now where.

 Thanks for looking everyone I know its not the usual stance/sliding we show but hey sometimes you got to explore a bit!

Ok till next time everyone stay friv!

(Also special note, for whatever reason the pics didnt compress as well as normal, if you click on the pics there clearer and ready for desktops! enjoy!)

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